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পরিবার পরিকল্পনা অধিদপ্তর এম আই এস ইউনিট |
The concept of Management Information System (MIS) has emerged in the modern world as a tool for efficient of big organization or programs. In order to ensure proper management, control and planning functions of an organization regular flow of correct data and information is essential. MIS refers broadly to a computer-based system that provides managers with the tools for organizing, evaluating and efficiently running the departments. In order to provide past, present and prediction information, an MIS can include software that helps in decision making, data resources such as database, the hardware resources of a system. MIS is the store of Information of DGFP. In 1979 the MIS unit was created from the then Research Evaluation Statistics and Planning (RESP) under the Directorate General of Family Planning. Prior to the creation of the MIS unit there was no regular system of reporting on the progress of National Family Planning Program performance. Since its inception the MIS has endeavored towards establishing a regular system of data collection and reporting on National Program Performances of Family Planning, RH & MCH Services. During the HNPSP period, MIS system was established for the record keeping and reporting systems at the grass root level to generate RH-FP-MCH performance data. Monitoring and supervision system was implemented for overall FP-MCH services. MIS helps to ensure better monitoring and supervision which helped to achieve Contraceptive Acceptance Rate (CAR) and Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR) increased. MIS introduced innovative approaches to strengthen and institutionalize data collection, collation, storage and transmission to the MIS headquarters for publication of analytical reports for dissemination to different national and international organizations. Notable among the steps taken to strengthen reliable data gathering were the distribution of national FP-MCH projection to different upazilas, introduction of a longitudinal data collection mechanism through FWA registers, different clinic registers and reporting formats, periodic couple registration and survey by MIS personnel and performa nce monitoring in high and low performing areas. At the verge of completion of Health, Nutrition and Population Sector program (HNPSP), a comprehensive program for better utilization of the data through web-based system was planned in the operational plan. A considerable amount of fund was allocated to execute the planned activities. A country wide internet access was planned to be established by installing web based software. The formulation of Sector Approach OP matching the upcoming 6th Five Year Plan is envisaged keeping fund provision to make the MIS system digital. For family planning service statistics, online database software will be put into the web-server. Accordingly, generated data will be operational through website. A web portal will be a strong communication channel through which an effective feedback system to data providers and data senders will be enhanced. There is a scope to generate PRS/ MDGs related indicators for monitoring the RH-FP-MCH activities. Moreover, the operational plan will help to strengthen the following strategies:
MIS Program has 3(three) components