Summary 0f the FP Performance

Select : Select :
0 And $CAR<=49.99){ $count1=$count1+1; } elseif ($CAR>50 And $CAR<=59.99){ $count2=$count2+1; } elseif ($CAR>60 And $CAR<=69.99){ $count3=$count3+1; } elseif ($CAR>70 And $CAR<=100){ $count4=$count4+1; } ++$i; } ?> 0 And $CAR<=49.99){ $countp1=$countp1+1; } elseif ($CAR>50 And $CAR<=59.99){ $countp2=$countp2+1; } elseif ($CAR>60 And $CAR<=69.99){ $countp3=$countp3+1; } elseif ($CAR>70 And $CAR<=100){ $countp4=$countp4+1; } ++$i; } ?>

Summary of the FP Performance for month of


Numbers of Total Eligible Couple (Excluding city Corporation)
Numbers of Total Acceptors (Excluding city Corporation)
CAR (Contraceptive Acceptance Rate)
Method Specific Aceptors (Cumulative)
Permanent Method (Male)
Permanent Method (Female)
Permanent Method (Total)
IUD (Users)
Implant (acceptors)
Injectable (Users)
Oral Pill (acceptors)
Condom (acceptors)
Method Specific New Acceptors
Permanent Method (Male)
Permanent Method (Female)
Permanent Method (Total)
IUD (Users)
Implant (acceptors)
Injectable (Users)
Oral Pill (acceptors)
Condom (acceptors)
Number of Districts reported    
Number of Upazilas reported
Range of CAR (%) No. of Districts
00 - 49
50 - 59
60 - 69
70 & above
Contraceptive Performance and Distribution by Method (Absolute Performance)
Permanent Method (Male - cases)
Permanent Method (Female - cases)
Permanent Method (Total - cases)
IUD (Nos)
Implant (Nos)
Injectable (Doses)
Oral Pill (Cycles)
Condom (Pieces)

Performance Report